When you arrive please proceed toward the back of the church. There are parking spaces specifically reserved for first-time guests, just like you, in front of the children’s playground. If you enter through doors B or C you come to the area just outside our Sanctuary. We also have parking available for Senior Adults. Spaces are available around entrance doors A and B.
We provide nursery services to newborns up to age 4. Kid’s Connect (Kid's Church) is also available to kids grades K-4th. Kids will be dismissed part way through the service to go to our Kids area and can be picked up immediately following the service.
Life Bible Study Groups
Life Bible Study groups are available for all ages at 9:00AM. There is something for all ages. Feel free to visit groups to find the place that is right for you.
Our Service
This service also takes place in the Sanctuary. Music consists of hymns and praise and worship songs led by an orchestra consisting of piano, keyboard, guitar, trumpet, violin drums and vocalists). Lyrics are projected onto the screens for easy reading.